Saturday, July 5, 2014

(Blog Entry #6) ICT Integrated Lesson Plan By: Febbie Faith Ramos BSED-4


I- Objectives:
At the end of the given period, the students would have been able to:
  • define higher-thinking skills in the context of technology-based projects;
  • inculcate the value of appreciation; and 
  • describe the difference between the traditional model of learning and that of the modern model of learning.
II- Subject Matter

Topic: Higher Thinking Skills Through IT-Based Projects
Reference:Educational Technology by: Purita Bilbao, Pages 35-43; (Association for supervision and curriculum  development)
Materials: Prezi; Audio-Visual materials such as Instrumentals and Videos 
Values Infused: Core Value- Service; Related Value- Appreciation

A. preliminaries
1. Drill - Picture Analysis 
-The teacher would present a picture. The teacher will ask the students what they have observed in the photo posted in the screen. Using the "Oops Game" (The students need to stand and yell 'oops" if their number is called. May vary in nature whether the group is in horizontal or vertical) as a means of calling, the student who failed to execute the game properly would have to answer the question posted by the teacher with accordance to the picture. The drill will have a time frame of 3 minutes.
- The teacher will use an interactive way of reviewing the previous lesson. This is to ensure that their knowledge is refreshed. 
3. Motivation
- The teacher will then employ the groupings of the "Oops game".The teacher as a springboard will post a video. At the end of the video, the teacher will flash a cellphone number. The students will be therefore tasked to send their guess of the topic in the given mobile number. The group who will get the correct guess will be exempted in one round of the "Oops game". The last group to send their guess will answer a critical question from the teacher. The motivation will have a time frame of 5 minutes.

B. Presentation
1. Activity proper
- The students will be presented a situation via audio-visual presentation. The presentation will be an interactive power point where the students will answer a series of question to keep the story running. The activity will have a time frame of 15 minutes 
2. Analysis
- The teacher will draw conclusions from the students based from the activity. 
- Higher order thinking skills are all about going beyond remembering and understanding. According ASCD, it is defined as a transfer, critical thinking and problem solving. IT-based projects on the other hand are the IT solutions that supports knowledge management and transfer. 
3. Abstraction
- Through the correct usage of the resource-based projects, simple creations, guided hypermedia projects, and web-based projects, the learners will be able to further enrich their higher cognitive domains as these programs are aligned in the philosophy of constructivism which follows the mantra: "Learning by Doing". 
4. Application
- The teacher will post a question in the screen.The teacher will then divide the class into 4 groups each group will have a laptop. The teacher will then instruct the learners to answer the question in different ways: the 1st group will answer through creating a short poem in power point, the 2nd group will answer through creating a yell presented in Microsoft word, the 3rd group will answer through recording a video, and the 4th group will take picture of their tableau edited with caption. The application will consume 15 minutes.

IV- Evaluation
- The teacher will then again post 3 essential question in the screen. The teacher will let the students choose one and answer it in a one whole sheet of paper. The evaluation will last for only 1 minute.

V- Assignment
- The teacher will enable the students to create a status in Facebook with regards to a research link about the topic discussed.

(Blog Entry #5) The Basic Digital Skills: Developing Higher Order Thinking Skills By: Febbie Faith Ramos BSED-4

The Basic Digital Skills 

The traditional model of learning have pioneered the essentialist way of learning where the mastery of the subject matter is highly aimed to be achieved. In here, the three Rs (Reading, Writing and 'rithmetic) are primordially implied. In the modern model of learning however, this way of thinking is not eradicated but IMPROVED. The basic digital skills have paved a way to further learning and knowledge transfer. These skills, in contrast to the three Rs, are more open to the higher order thinking skills which greatly requires the art of META-COGNITION. 

The Skills of a Digital Native 

Solution fluency. This is the capability of the learners to elaborate their thinking on a said problem by giving creative alternatives to solve the crisis. This requires the whole brain and ample creativity as it will require the students to think, design, apply and assess. 

Information fluency. This is the ability of the learner to access information in any resources. This is characterized as the capability of the student to retrieve information in a way that is perceptive to the current trends in digital information. This also refers to the intelligence of the learner to reflect and react upon the information acquired.

Collaboration fluency. This refers to the ability of the learners to build rapport to virtual or real partners to enable teamwork and cooperation in a given task. This is commonly dubbed as "multi-cultural" learning. 

Media fluency. This refers to the learners' analytical means of evaluating the message and information acquire to the different forms of media. 

Creativity Fluency. This refers to the learners' artistic proficiency in the context of designing, creating and innovating layouts. This is the aesthetic ability of the student to distinguish what is visually pleasing and what is not. 

Digital Ethics. This refers to the learners' appropriate usage of the digital realm, 'Internet". The students should be guided in the principles of leadership and global responsibility as a citizen of the internet. 

Beyond Remembering and Understanding

The learners of today's generation must always be exposed to the art of higher thinking. Students should not adhere solely on the lower order thinking skills such as knowledge and comprehension, as teachers we must encourage and engage them to think for themselves. Thinking and analyzing phenomenons should be the primary abilities of the learners as the ways and means of instruction are improving. Students should not be taken emphatic to the factual means of learning, but the analytical way of learning. 

With this, the learners must need to define the problem, to design a  solution, to do the work and to debrief the outcome. Students must know how to  determine a crisis, to formulate a solution, to apply that solution and to evaluation the outcome of that solution. The teacher must always guide the students to be as analytic as possible, to be inquisitive as possible and to be curios as possible. After all, the interest is a flame in learning.

(Blog Entry #4) The Perception on the Old and New Generation By: Febbie Faith Ramos BSED-4

There are indeed generation gaps among the people of the world of today. This is quite evident due to the dynamic changes of the world. This is made possible due to the philosophy of subjectivity, where the preferences of the people define who they are and what they believe.

The Preferences of the Generations

Single and multi-track pattern of activities. The old generation are characterized to be outdoor-goers as they prefer ACTUAL social activities such as outings and picnics. This is quite evident through their interest in community -related events. 

Texts Vs. Visuals. The old generation are characterized as people who are quite dependent of their school library as they use solely books as their main references in studying. The generation of today however are quite committed to their receptors and thus prefer visuals in order to fully learn.

Linear Vs. Hyperlinks. The old generation are characterized as the people who are fully exposed to the logical and sequential way of thinking. The new generation however are the people use their liberty to surf and search through the usage of hyper-linked digital information.

Independent Vs. Social Learners. The old generation are the product of the traditional model of learning where they employ the essentialist way of learning thus are exposed to independent learning. The new generation are quite used to cooperative learning where they can acquire information through communication especially in social media. 

Beneath the Labels

There are always this stereotypes of the generation of yesterday and that of today. Labels, as what we commonly call it. A common example of this is the perception that the generation of yesterday is a people confined in traditional activities and customs while the generation of today are quite paying great adherence to all that is modern. This mentality however is fallacious as it is categorized as a "hasty generalization". 

There are of course people who are diverse in their preferences. Say, a person is from generation Z but is quite characterized as a person who is incredibly interested to the classics. The preferences of the people do not necessarily reflect their generation. Possible factors for the subjectivity of a person lies in his/her genetics and the environment where he/she is exposed. Bottom line, we have to respect what they have to choose to believe for themselves and must not judge them. Putting people in a tight spot by labeling them is not really eradicating the barriers that we so want to demolish in order to relinquish unity, it will backfire and will ultimately cause havoc among relationships. Instead, we must ACCEPT the reality that people are DIVERSE and we as future teachers must BRIDGE the students with the mentality of OPEN-MINDEDNESS by informing them of the tendencies of today and yesterday.

Check out how the teenagers of today react to the internet of yesterday!

(Blog Entry #3) Behind the Times: Differentiating Yesterday's Generation to Today's Digital Natives By: Febbie Faith Ramos BSED-4

The Generation of Before and Today

Time change. People change. Environment change. Technology change. Generation change. Indeed, our world has grown into something that is incredibly advanced. From the enormous Commodore computers with varied modems and knobs to hook up to, to the fancy and portable laptops that can cater you needs of communication and varied office-related works. From wired classic telephones that can operate using a coin or two, to the futuristic I-phones complete with applications to aide your needs for online connectivity as well as communication that can leap from countries to countries. From playing outdoors with friends you actually know, to playing as a hero in virtual game where you can be anybody anywhere, anytime. From traditional desks and blackboards complete with memory methods employed by the traditional teacher, to an interactive room full of technological gadgets used to make the teaching-learning process a discover for the digital natives. 

The comparison of the two generations may be vast and huge but a teacher's job is to connect the students to a reality where EVERYTHING SHOULD MEET HALFWAY. It is a challenge where any inspiring teacher must battle to win: TEACHING EXTRA ORDINARINESS. 

Check out how the youth of today reacts to the technology of yesterday! 

(Blog Entry #2) Filling In: Bridging the Gap between Generation Y and Generation Z By: Febbie Faith Ramos BSED-4

The only thing that doesn't change is CHANGE. It is quite inevitable. Change is therefore the ultimate reason as to why generations have differences, it is the reason why the times are not what it is a before and it is the reason why we are experiencing technological advancement in a dizzy pace.
The generation Y is conceived with the people who were born from the year 1980-1995. They are said to be born on the “traditional and post-modern” period. They are the product of the amazing wonders of primary technological outburst that paved to the advancement of today, thus termed as the “Millennial”. Generation Z on the other hand is composed of the people who were born from the year 1996 and on wards. They are the receivers of the improved technology, the pioneers of “Instant Mentality”, and prominently referred to as the “Digital Natives”.
Today’s digital natives are quite unique in their own learning styles. This is therefore a difficult challenge to the teachers of today. To fill in the generation gap in order to fully construct CONNECTIVITY among the students and the lesson at hand; to build further rapport to improve relationship building among teachers and students. These are few of the ways to eradicate the barrier and to build a bridge in order to further reach out and hold on as one.

Indeed, as teachers we must always realize that the traditional model of learning (which refers to the teacher as the sole dispenser of knowledge) is not anymore applicable to the generation of today. To fill in that gap we so loathe, we must become the “Native Speakers” of the computer language. This is to ensure that the digital natives can further comprehend the lessons at hand through the usage of these technological advancements. We must therefore be updated with the current trends of the time. If the learners of today can relate so much to social media, why not use Facebook as a means of instruction. This will not only entertain them but this will absolutely ENGAGE them to be INVOLVED with the lesson and PARTICIPATE in the discussion.

New Breed of Learners

Generation Z is an epitome to dynamic learning. For them learning is diverse and an intelligence is not limited in the cognitive domain. We, as teachers, must adapt to the technological upbringing of the learners in order for us to be clearly understood and in order for us to teach the way they learn.
Hyper linked Information. The learners of today would want something new in the instruction of learning. Instead of referring solely into their textbooks (which at time they find it boring), they want to be engaged in realm of multimedia where they can relate. Using this tool can enable the students to perceive learning as FUN.
Audio-Visual Learners. 70% of our receptors are derived from our eyes, thus it is most likely that we, along with the generation of today can acquire information through our sense of sight. This would therefore mean that when teaching it is important to incorporate pictures, videos and music in order for them to be motivated and interested to the topic at hand.
Experiential Learners. The students of today are quite inclined with the discovery method of teaching as they prefer to learn through doing. This would therefore mean that as teachers we must incorporate activities to enrich their minds. They need activities which would not entertain them but ENGAGE them.

Short Attention Span. As much as possible, we must be interesting enough for them. Teaching the lesson in the most interesting way will enable the students to be more attached to our lesson. They may have short attention span, but take that as a challenge. This will be the avenue to be more creative and innovative.