Saturday, July 5, 2014

(Blog Entry #2) Filling In: Bridging the Gap between Generation Y and Generation Z By: Febbie Faith Ramos BSED-4

The only thing that doesn't change is CHANGE. It is quite inevitable. Change is therefore the ultimate reason as to why generations have differences, it is the reason why the times are not what it is a before and it is the reason why we are experiencing technological advancement in a dizzy pace.
The generation Y is conceived with the people who were born from the year 1980-1995. They are said to be born on the “traditional and post-modern” period. They are the product of the amazing wonders of primary technological outburst that paved to the advancement of today, thus termed as the “Millennial”. Generation Z on the other hand is composed of the people who were born from the year 1996 and on wards. They are the receivers of the improved technology, the pioneers of “Instant Mentality”, and prominently referred to as the “Digital Natives”.
Today’s digital natives are quite unique in their own learning styles. This is therefore a difficult challenge to the teachers of today. To fill in the generation gap in order to fully construct CONNECTIVITY among the students and the lesson at hand; to build further rapport to improve relationship building among teachers and students. These are few of the ways to eradicate the barrier and to build a bridge in order to further reach out and hold on as one.

Indeed, as teachers we must always realize that the traditional model of learning (which refers to the teacher as the sole dispenser of knowledge) is not anymore applicable to the generation of today. To fill in that gap we so loathe, we must become the “Native Speakers” of the computer language. This is to ensure that the digital natives can further comprehend the lessons at hand through the usage of these technological advancements. We must therefore be updated with the current trends of the time. If the learners of today can relate so much to social media, why not use Facebook as a means of instruction. This will not only entertain them but this will absolutely ENGAGE them to be INVOLVED with the lesson and PARTICIPATE in the discussion.

New Breed of Learners

Generation Z is an epitome to dynamic learning. For them learning is diverse and an intelligence is not limited in the cognitive domain. We, as teachers, must adapt to the technological upbringing of the learners in order for us to be clearly understood and in order for us to teach the way they learn.
Hyper linked Information. The learners of today would want something new in the instruction of learning. Instead of referring solely into their textbooks (which at time they find it boring), they want to be engaged in realm of multimedia where they can relate. Using this tool can enable the students to perceive learning as FUN.
Audio-Visual Learners. 70% of our receptors are derived from our eyes, thus it is most likely that we, along with the generation of today can acquire information through our sense of sight. This would therefore mean that when teaching it is important to incorporate pictures, videos and music in order for them to be motivated and interested to the topic at hand.
Experiential Learners. The students of today are quite inclined with the discovery method of teaching as they prefer to learn through doing. This would therefore mean that as teachers we must incorporate activities to enrich their minds. They need activities which would not entertain them but ENGAGE them.

Short Attention Span. As much as possible, we must be interesting enough for them. Teaching the lesson in the most interesting way will enable the students to be more attached to our lesson. They may have short attention span, but take that as a challenge. This will be the avenue to be more creative and innovative. 

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