Saturday, July 5, 2014

(Blog Entry #4) The Perception on the Old and New Generation By: Febbie Faith Ramos BSED-4

There are indeed generation gaps among the people of the world of today. This is quite evident due to the dynamic changes of the world. This is made possible due to the philosophy of subjectivity, where the preferences of the people define who they are and what they believe.

The Preferences of the Generations

Single and multi-track pattern of activities. The old generation are characterized to be outdoor-goers as they prefer ACTUAL social activities such as outings and picnics. This is quite evident through their interest in community -related events. 

Texts Vs. Visuals. The old generation are characterized as people who are quite dependent of their school library as they use solely books as their main references in studying. The generation of today however are quite committed to their receptors and thus prefer visuals in order to fully learn.

Linear Vs. Hyperlinks. The old generation are characterized as the people who are fully exposed to the logical and sequential way of thinking. The new generation however are the people use their liberty to surf and search through the usage of hyper-linked digital information.

Independent Vs. Social Learners. The old generation are the product of the traditional model of learning where they employ the essentialist way of learning thus are exposed to independent learning. The new generation are quite used to cooperative learning where they can acquire information through communication especially in social media. 

Beneath the Labels

There are always this stereotypes of the generation of yesterday and that of today. Labels, as what we commonly call it. A common example of this is the perception that the generation of yesterday is a people confined in traditional activities and customs while the generation of today are quite paying great adherence to all that is modern. This mentality however is fallacious as it is categorized as a "hasty generalization". 

There are of course people who are diverse in their preferences. Say, a person is from generation Z but is quite characterized as a person who is incredibly interested to the classics. The preferences of the people do not necessarily reflect their generation. Possible factors for the subjectivity of a person lies in his/her genetics and the environment where he/she is exposed. Bottom line, we have to respect what they have to choose to believe for themselves and must not judge them. Putting people in a tight spot by labeling them is not really eradicating the barriers that we so want to demolish in order to relinquish unity, it will backfire and will ultimately cause havoc among relationships. Instead, we must ACCEPT the reality that people are DIVERSE and we as future teachers must BRIDGE the students with the mentality of OPEN-MINDEDNESS by informing them of the tendencies of today and yesterday.

Check out how the teenagers of today react to the internet of yesterday!

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